A trusted partner for critical thinking

Careful, rigorous thought is a foundation for good decisions, successful strategies and effective policy. However, this is hard to accomplish amongst the complexity and pace of our work today. Queritas can partner with you to strengthen analysis and improve outcomes, using thinking methods that have been tried and tested on deeply complex problems over centuries.

We combine deep philosophical training and sought-after facilitation skills with long experience in complex policy and decision making projects. This unique combination enables powerful, collaborative analysis within rapid timeframes – and our mission is to empower you to deliver your priorities better. We can partner with you to rapidly test and improve policies or plans, identify new, unexpected options or ensure communications are robust and cut through. Or we can build a training package to build your skills for the future.

Our analysis has recently been featured by the APS Academy and clients range from an AI tech startup through to government agencies. Our services can be tailored to suit you and we can deliver real value in hours or days.